How to Enroll Your Face Data on the VDP-AK-916XS and VDP-AK-29RC
      • 28 Apr 2022
      • 1 Minute to read
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      How to Enroll Your Face Data on the VDP-AK-916XS and VDP-AK-29RC

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      Article summary

      If you want to gain contactless door entry through facial recognition, then you are required to enroll your face data on the door phones first. This article lets you know how to enroll your face properly on the different models of AiBase Smart Building door phones.

      Operation Instruction

      • This article is applicable to VDP-AK-29RC, VDP-AK-916XS door phones.
      • Currently, the door phones above support approximately 20,000 face data.

      Operation Procedure

      • Enroll face on the VDP-AK-29RC / VDP-AK-916XS Door phone
      1. Press Face on the setting screen on the device.
      2. Press Confirm to agree on the facial data collection.
      3. Press Register to start the registration process.
      4. Enter the Registration name and Floor number and press Register.
      5. Stand in front of the door phone camera at a distance between 0.5-1 meter and keep your face in the center of the round frame for ten seconds until your facial ID is successfully collected. And you will see the prompt " Registration Succeed"



        • You should keep your face facing the front of the camera until your face data is collected.
        • You can refer to face enrollment on the VDP-AK-29RC to enroll the face data on VDP-AK-916XS