How to add Eyeonet IPC to Dahua NVR?
      • 22 Apr 2022
      • 1 Minute to read
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      How to add Eyeonet IPC to Dahua NVR?

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      Article summary

      This guide shows how to add Eyeonet IPC to Dahua NVR. It include how to use IPTool2.0.

      We need to have a PC and a POE switch to do a few setup for camera before adding to Dahua NVR. Your PC and Eyeonet cameras should all connect to a same temporary POE switch.

      First of all, if you don't have IPTool2.0, Please Download now.

      1. Install and open IPTool2.0 on your PC

      Select your Eyeonet IPC and modify network parameter.

      If you decide to wire camera Directly To NVR POE, then IP setting is like:

      IP address: 10.1.1. XXX

      Mac addrs:


      Eyeonet Camera Default Password: 123456

      Once you finish IP setting, you can connect Camera directly to NVR internal POE port.

      1. NVR Camera Interface, your IPC will be added automatically to 'Added Device' by NVR, then use 'Modify' to set up IPC.

      2. On Modify page, use 'Onvif' as manufacuter protocol.

      3. Input Eyeonet Camera Password :123456

      4. Succesfully Added. You will find status turn to 'Green' after your reflesh it.

      5. If you decide to connect Eyeonet Camera over POE switch.

      We change the IP of camrea to local network range.

      Example: Local IP range on 192.168.1.XXX as below

      1. Similarly, On Dahua Camera Interface, find your device in searching table. And Click 'Manualy Add'.

      2. Input Onvif protocol, IP address and camera password. Then it will connect to NVR.
